
AviRings Team


Highest bidder: grega
Number of bids: 1
90,00 €

Auction closed!

23.9 17:58:07 grega 90,00

835-114 po teston pëllumbin në AviRings Derby i cili tregoi performancë të shkëlqyer, pavarësisht nga fakti i kujdesit shtesë për peshën  (Zilja GPS) gjatë gjithë kohës. 

Performanca e pëllumbave rritet në tre garat e fundit, si "seriozët" fillojnë garat. 

Pëllumb  del nga linjat e mëdha të distancave të mesme dhe të gjata. 



Payment and Transport

Collection from AviRings is possible after payment during office hours (9am-15pm) Monday through Friday. Please inform us in advance via info@avirings.com if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

Shipment is possible after the payment of the purchase. Transport costs are not included in the purchase amount and have to be paid additionally.

AviRings will organize the delivery of pigeons to the national exhibition in Trenčin – Slovakia, on 6.1.2024 for the buyers from Slovakia and the Czech Republic.