
Vladimir Zec


最高出价者: zec
出价数: 9
420.00 €


29.9 19:15:30 zec 420.00*
29.9 19:03:50 dewitte 270.00*
28.9 23:42:36 zec 250.00*
28.9 23:16:21 dewitte 230.00
28.9 23:05:56 zec 210.00
28.9 21:24:19 dewitte 190.00
24.9 08:34:24 agatic.zeljko 170.00
23.9 21:05:53 dewitte 150.00


鸽子 CRO 2328 在第二场和第三场比赛中表现不佳,但之后状态良好,在“更长”比赛中飞得非常好。距离!血统书并没有透露太多信息,但是,我们可以看到,有来自比利时的鸽子和更多本地血统的完美组合 - 这通常是成功的正确途径。

  • 5 次进入前 16%
  • 在一场非常艰苦的半决赛中获得第十名!
  • 三场比赛杯赛中获得第八名




Payment and Transport

Collection from AviRings is possible after payment during office hours (9am-15pm) Monday through Friday. Please inform us in advance via info@avirings.com if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

Shipment is possible after the payment of the purchase. Transport costs are not included in the purchase amount and have to be paid additionally.

AviRings will organize the delivery of pigeons to the national exhibition in Trenčin – Slovakia, on 6.1.2024 for the buyers from Slovakia and the Czech Republic.