
Thorsten Blank


Highest bidder: blank
Number of bids: 50
2610.00 €

Auction closed!

29.9 22:05:15 blank 2610.00
29.9 22:04:49 Rapunzel 2510.00
29.9 22:01:10 blank 2410.00
29.9 22:00:56 Rapunzel 2310.00
29.9 21:59:46 blank 2210.00
29.9 21:59:36 Rapunzel 2110.00
29.9 21:58:57 blank 2010.00
29.9 21:58:50 Rapunzel 1960.00
29.9 21:58:43 blank 1910.00
29.9 21:58:37 Rapunzel 1860.00

 DV-2023-01367-621 so interesting how this hen performed. Look at the graph! 

Always in the top of the top,  in top 5%! What happened 2. race and 5. race? Maybe she overreact on some bird of prey attack? We cannot image something else.  But she is a young pigeon, she showed she can fly in the top most of  the tim that is most important! 

Perfect hen, good in the hand! We don't need to talk about the pedigree, there are very known names like: Pipas BK, Hardy Kruger, Debacker...

 01367-621 won: 

  • 59/1724 pigeons- 3%
  • 58/1627 pigeons-4%
  • 26/1466 pigeons- 2%
  • 39/826 pigeons - 5%

Certainly, amazing hen, enrichment for every breeding loft! 



Payment and Transport

Collection from AviRings is possible after payment during office hours (9am-15pm) Monday through Friday. Please inform us in advance via info@avirings.com if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

Shipment is possible after the payment of the purchase. Transport costs are not included in the purchase amount and have to be paid additionally.

AviRings will organize the delivery of pigeons to the national exhibition in Trenčin – Slovakia, on 6.1.2024 for the buyers from Slovakia and the Czech Republic.